Stephen Hawking, His Life and Work Page 42
and arrows of time 301
and brane worlds theory 336–7
and instanton (‘pea’) theory 320–3, 376
and M-theory 418–19
eternal inflation models 375–6
anti-de Sitter conformal field theory (ADS-CFT) 373–4
antigravity 315
and accelerating expansion 315
antiparticles/antimatter 34, 120–1, 122f6.2, 437, 447g
Apsell, Paula 399
arbitrary elements 25, 255, 447g
Aristotle, quintessence 315
arrows of time 226, 297–301
cosmological arrow 298, 299–301, 448g
subjective/psychological arrow 298, 455g
thermodynamic arrow 298, 457g
Asimov, Isaac, on scientist stereotypes 412
Aspen Music Festival 308
astronomy, SWH’s early interest 44, 45
atomic particles 20–3, 36–9
see also particles
Augustine, St 175
baby universes 250–60, 262
and black holes 375
in imaginary time 251
balloon analogies 108, 216, 221–3, 227–8, 250–3, 255, 415
Bantam (publisher)
and A Brief History of Time 225–6, 235–7, 238, 240
and The Universe in a Nutshell 329–31
Bardeen, James, and event horizon thermodynamics 117
Barrow, John
on historical complexity 286
The Book of Universes 223
Bayreuth, Ring cycle 75
Hawking 365–6
Horizon 169
Newsnight 393
Stephen Hawking: Profile 365
Stephen Hawking’s Universe 312
The Hawking Lectures 350
The Key to the Universe 154
Bekenstein, Jacob
on event horizon/entropy 116–20, 178
on photon information in black holes 166–7
Bell Laboratories 180
Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics 193
Bennett, Charles, on WMAP data results 388
Berkeley CMBR experiments 181
Berman, Dr Robert 54, 55, 56–7, 60
Berman, Nick 292–3
Berry, Gordon 55, 56, 57–8, 60
Bertolucci, Sergio, on Higgs particle search 391
Big Bang Observer (NASA) 404
Big Bang theory 63–4, 79, 447–8 g
and CMBR 181–3
and inflation theory 184–9
singularity 197–209, 447 g
naked singularity 314
illustrated 437–8
Big Crunch 110f6.1(a), 182–3, 319, 355, 375–6, 438–9
black cabs, Hawking family and 45–6
black holes 448g
and baby universes 375
and gravity 98–105
brane worlds theory 335–8
dynamics, 2nd law 114
event horizon area, non-decrease 112–18
gravity wave detectors 402–
information loss/recovery in 148, 166–73, 357–64
see also information paradox
large cold 124
microscopic, hopes for LHC confirmation 390–1
new topology 361–2
observable as gamma ray bursts 147, 196
particle emission 124–5, 196–7, 262
quantum mechanics 117–24
singularities without event horizons 313–14
sums-over-histories, and information paradox 369–70
uncertainty principle and rotational energy 119–20
Blackburn, Sam 395
Boat Club, Oxford 57–9, 60
Bohr, Niels, and complementarity 304
Bondi, Hermann 63, 64
and SWH’s fellowships 80, 88
Borde, Arvind 286
Boslough, John 175
on SWH 87–8
bosons 448g
as ‘messenger’ particles 21, 36
gravitons 21, 32–3
Higgs boson 388–91
photons 21, 36–9
spin 159–60
boundary conditions 23–5, 448g
see also no-boundary proposal
Bousso, Raphael
on string theory equations 374
on SWH’s 60th 351
Brandenberger, Robert, inflation theory, and brane world models 372
brane worlds theory 327–9, 334–7
and inflation 372
and M-theory 347–9, 414
ekpyrotic model 405
Branson, Richard, Virgin Galactic 381
Bristol University, disabled living facilities 248
Bryan, Richard 55, 60
Bucher, Martin, inflation/open universe theory 319
Bunster, Claudio 385
Burgoyne, Chris (graduate assistant) 317
Burke, Bernard, and CMBR 180–1
Bush, George W., SWH on 368
Byron House School, Highgate 44–5
Caius College see Gonville and Caius College
California Institute of Technology (Caltech) 81
Relativity Group 145
Sherman Fairchild Distinguished Scholar 141, 143–51, 163
SWH lectures 163, 249, 355, 377, 386, 390, 395–9, 444
2005 lecture, ‘To Boldly Go’ 366
2006 lecture, top-down approach 377–8
year at 141–2, 143–51
California Institute of Theoretical Physics 194
CAM magazine 242
Cambridge Centre for Sixth Form Studies 162
Cambridge University
Cavendish Laboratory 14, 15, 36, 331
Centre for Mathematical Sciences 331–3
Centre for Theoretical Cosmology 393, 444
chair in gravitational physics 155
Clare Hall 137, 145, 331
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics see DAMTP
Gonville and Caius college
research fellowships 79–80, 83–8, 132
Fellowship for Distinction in Science 88
Institute of Astronomy, research fellowship 84, 132–3
Institute of Physics, SWH physical therapy funding 86
St John’s College, Adams Prize 85
Trinity Hall 62, 68, 81
May Ball 71, 164
Cambridge University Press 225, 237
Cameron, James 399
Carr, Bernard 350
on SWH’s 60th 351
SWH’s assistant 143, 145
Carrey, Jim 355
Carter, Brandon 84
and anthropic principle 178
and event horizon thermodynamics 117
Catholic League 382
Large Electron Positron (LEP) experiment 389
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) 161, 389–91
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 79
chaos theory 172n
chaotic inflation 221–3, 284–7
Charles Prince of Wales
and GM food 324
toes run over 155
Charlie Rose Show 395
Choptuik, Matthew, singularities without event horizons 313
Christodoulou, Demetrios
on irreducible mass 115–16
singularities without event horizons 313
Chronically Sick and Disabled Person’s Act 1970 136
chronophage clock 391–3
Church, Michael 49, 50
Civil Service exams 60
classical physics 448g
Clinton, Bill, Millennium Evening series 316
closed system entropy 115–16
CMBR see cosmic microwave background radiation
Cockcroft Lecture Room 15
Coleman, Sidney
on SWH 246
on zero-like cosmological constants 257–8
Communications in Mathematical Physics 127
complementarity 303–4
computer intelligence,
SWH on 343–5
computer viruses, as life, SWH on 295–6
Conway, John Horton, Game of Life 426–8
Copernicus, Nicolaus 118, 353
Cornell University, general relativity summer school 82
Corpus Christi College
chronophage clock 391–3
Old Court 14
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), CMBR ripples 290–1
cosmic censorship conjecture 312–13
cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR)
and Big Bang theory 181–4
and COBE 290–1
and whole universe information 405–8
and WMAP 353–5, 388, 400–1
balloon observations 353
Einstein Inflation Probe 404–5
ESA Planck satellite observations 401, 405, 408
measurement/mapping 353–5, 372
ripples detected 290–1
temperature fluctuations 388, 400–5
randomness 405–8
cosmological arrow of time 298, 299–301, 448g
cosmological constant 107, 184, 256–8, 315, 448g
cosmology 449g
attitudes to 64–5
SWH decision to specialize in 59, 64–5
Cosmos Award for Outstanding Public Presentation of Science 399
coxing, college Boat Club 57–9
Croasdell, Judith 371–2, 440
and SWH travel 384–5
Cuban Missile Crisis 73
Cumberbatch, Benedict 365, 435
cyclic universe models 375–6
Cygnus X-1 bet 148, 150–1, 249–50
DAMTP 83, 86, 133, 134, 137, 140, 165, 193, 242, 310, 324
move to Centre for Mathematical Sciences 331–3
SWH’s daily journey to 152–3, 288–9
SWH’s office 265–9, 282–3, 331–2, 340
SWH Director of Research for CCTC 393–4
dark energy 315–16, 437–9, 449g
WMAP and 354–5
Davies, Paul C. W. 126
determinism 449g
DeWitt, Bryce, on spacetime geometry 94–5
Dicke, Robert, and CMBR 180–1
Dilbert, SWH episode 317
Dirac, Paul
Paul Dirac Centennial lecture 346–9
Paul Dirac medal 237
disabled people, SWH and
advocacy/role model 247, 271, 294–5
‘Charter for the Third Millennium on Disability’ 324
Quantum Jazzy 1400 Wheelchair 325
rights 136
student facilities 248
wheelchair access campaigns 137
Dix, Norman 59
Donne, John, elegies 73
Donohue, Bill, on misrepresenting Pope 382–3
dualities, model-dependent realism 424
Dublin, 17th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation 358–64
Dunn, Andrew 363
Dunn, Philip, and The Universe in a Nutshell 331
Earth-squeezing example 99, 100f5.3
Eddington, Sir Norman, balloon analogy 107–9, 216, 221, 415
Einstein, Albert 353
centenary festschrift 157
cosmological constant 256–7
E = mc2 equation 123, 237
general theory of relativity 29, 32–4, 64, 65, 95–8, 107, 449g
special theory of relativity 93, 94, 449g
on light and motion 93–8
on spacetime warping 250
Einstein Inflation Probe (NASA) 404–5
ekpyrotic model 405
electromagnetic force 21, 22, 25, 33, 36, 187, 449g
and renormalization 33
fields 213–14
interaction 449g
radiation 21, 103–4, 449–50g
electrons 20, 36–9
and wormholes 251–5
model-dependent realism 424
spin 159–60
electroweak theory 25, 450g
elementary particles see particles
Elizabeth II Queen of England 400
Ellis, George 84, 118, 147
on CMBR 181
conservation 448g
dark energy 315–16, 354, 437–9, 449g
unchecked consumption dangers 316
entropy 450g
and arrows of time 297–301
and black holes 114–19, 124, 166, 178
Equalizer program 229–32, 233–5, 238–9, 325
Erhard, Werner 164–5
attic meeting 165–73, 302
escape velocity 450g
and light speed 98–105, 113, 123
eternal inflation models 284–7, 374–5, 405–8
European Space Agency, Planck satellite, CMBR observations 400–2, 406, 408
event horizons 103–5, 450g
and entropy 112–24
and negative virtual particles 121–3
area, non-decrease 112–16
horizon complementarity, Susskind on 303–6
problem 196–7
singularities without 313
thermodynamics 115–24
events 450g
extrasensory perception (ESP) 51
extraterrestrial intelligent life 367, 397–8, 435–6
Faccio, Daniele et al, Hawking radiation experiment 409–10
Fella, Judy (secretary) 153, 154, 156, 194
Ferguson, Kitty
and The Universe in a Nutshell 329–31, 333–4, 340
first Hawking book 269–70, 273, 282–3
Fermi, Enrico 20–1
Fermilab (Chicago), and Higgs boson 389
fermions 20–2, 36–9, 159, 257, 451g
Ferris, Timothy, on ‘Godmongering’ 430
Feynman, Richard 165
on photon movement 210
on reduction process 20
on renormalization 33, 406
sums-over-histories 147, 205–7, 411, 416
and information paradox 369–70
fields, fluctuations 213–14
Fitzgerald, Ella 277
Florides, Petros, at Dublin 359
Focus (periodical) 344
Fonda, Jane 444
forces of nature 451g
distinction 187
fermions 20–1, 36
unified theory 22, 25
see also electromagnetic force; gravitational force; strong nuclear force; weak nuclear force
four-dimensional space 199, 207–8, 215, 216–17
brane worlds theory 334–7
fractal 451g
universe as growing 284–4
Franklin Institute, Philadelphia 193
Freedman, Gordon, and film, A Brief History of Time 280
frequency 451g
Friedmann, Alexander, models 106–11, 110f6.1, 215, 319
assumptions 107–11
expansion/contraction 300–1
fundamental numbers 259
fundamental unified theory, inaccessibility in M theory 346–8
galaxies, receding 89–90
Galfard, Christophe, work with SWH 356–63
and George’s Secret Key to the Universe 370
and Maldacena on Susskind 357–63
and SWH’s information paradox solution 359–63, 370
Galileo 42, 353
papal apology 147, 383
Game of Life (Conway) 426–8
gamma rays 451g
Gamow, George, and CMBR 180–1
Garden for Motor Neurone Disease 400
Garner, Dwight, on The Grand Design 429–30
Gates, Bill 326
Gell-Mann, Murray 147
and SWH 229, 234
on search for unified theory 39–40
genetic engineering, SWH on 316, 343–4
Gentry, Laura (secretary) 226, 232
Geroch, Robert 106
Giacobetti, Francis 277–8
Gibbons, Gary
inflation workshop 193, 223
on SWH’s 60th 351
/> Glass, Philip
score for A Brief History of Time 292
The Voyage 292
gluons 36, 451g
spin 159–60
God, belief in 439, 442–3
and M-theory 425–6, 431–4
and no-boundary proposal 218–21
Goddard Space Flight Center, WMAP 353n
Gödel, Kurt, incompleteness theorem 346
Godwin, Joan (nurse) 287, 325, 446
Gold, Tom 63
Goldhaber, Alfred, inflation/open universe theory 319–21
Gonville and Caius College
Hall 338–9, 434, 435
West Road flat 142
Gore, Al, SWH’s TV tribute 324–5
Gourevitch, Philip, on film 281
graduate students, as SWH’s assistants 143
grandfather paradox 451g
Graves, Robert & Beryl 48
Graves, William 48
gravitational force 21, 32–4, 451g
and black holes 98–105
and brane worlds theory 334–7
and curvature 94–8, 96f5.1
and motion 91–8
and renormalization 33
Einstein on 93–7
fields, fluctuations 211–12
flatness problem 182–3, 188
matter from 253
Newton on 92–3
radius 451–2g
wave detectors 351–2
Big Bang Observer (NASA) 404
spacecraft, LISA 403–4, 404f19.2
terrestrial (LIGO) 403–4, 403f19.1
WMAP and 354–5
gravitinos 160, 161
gravitons 21, 32–3, 36, 98, 452g
supersymmetric partners 160–1
Gravity Prize Competition 80
Gravity Research Foundation Awards 111, 132
Green, Michael
Lucasian Professorship 493
on SWH’s 60th 351
Greene, Brian, on string theory 373
Gross, David, on travel with SWH 288
Guardian, SWH interview 2011 344, 442–3
Guinness Book of World Records 238–9
Guseinov, Oktay, search for black holes in binaries 148
Guth, Alan
inflation theory 184–90, 191, 194
and brane world models 372
on beginning 286
Guzzardi, Peter 236–7
Harris, Ann, and The Universe in a Nutshell 329–30
Harrison, John (clockmaker) 392
Hartle, Jim 147
and ‘Stephen Hawking’s Alternate Universe’ 366–7
and SWH, no-boundary proposal 194–5, 217, 221, 297, 319, 369–70
and Hawking radiation 127
and Hertog & SWH, on evidence from observable universe 405–8
Harwood, Michael, on SWH and Don Page 140
Hawdon, Robin, God and Stephen Hawking 318
Hawking, Edward (SWH’s brother) 44, 50, 70
Hawking, Elaine see Mason Elaine
Hawking family 372
and Spielberg film 280
at Little St Mary’s Lane 83, 131–2, 142
Caltech year 143–51
family life 131–7, 141–6, 151, 155–7, 243–4
West Road flat 142, 152–3
Hawking, Frank (SWH’s father) 42, 43–54, 66, 68–9, 76, 133, 234