Stephen Hawking, His Life and Work Page 43
African winters 47, 48
Hawking, George (Robert’s son) 380, 395, 445
Hawking, Isobel (SWH’s mother) 42–53, 66–7, 145, 234, 280, 380, 445
Hawking, Jane 445
as Jane Wilde
at school 48
dating 69–76
engagement 75–81
marriage 81
on SWH at 20 62
and choral singing 146, 153, 155, 157, 272–3
and Jonathan Hellyer Jones 155–6, 272, 310, 317–18
marriage to 312
and Lucy’s William 378
and SWH’s health 87, 88
disabled living support 247–8
on nurses 267
tracheotomy & effects 227–9
at SWH’s 60th birthday 350
At Home in France 309
divorce 308
doctoral work 85, 132, 135, 153, 156, 157, 162
family life 131–7, 143–6, 151, 155–7, 243–4
Music to Move the Stars 274, 309, 317–18
on BBC TV film Hawking 365–6
on SWH 248, 272–3
religious faith 74, 137–9, 156, 244, 273
teaching 162
USSR visit 118
Hawking, Katrina (Robert’s wife) 395, 445
Hawking, Lucy 112, 131, 132, 134, 136, 144–5, 155–6, 162–3, 224, 226, 269, 272, 445
and Cambridge Youth Theatre 244
marriage to Alex Mackenzie Smith 312
on God and Stephen Hawking 318
on SWH 245–6
son William 332, 378, 440, 445
Jaded (novel) 378
The Accidental Marathon (novel) 378
works with SWH
George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt 379–81, 396
George’s Secret Key to the Universe 370, 379–81, 386
Hawking, Mary (SWH’s sister) 44, 52, 66, 84, 86
Hawking, Philippa (SWH’s sister) 44, 75, 145
Hawking, Robert 86, 132–6, 144–5, 162, 224, 272, 309, 395, 445
at school 133, 146, 162, 224
early physics conference question 380
natural science at Cambridge 234, 244
Venture Scout expedition 226
Hawking, Rose (Robert’s daughter) 395, 445
Hawking, Stephen William 15
early life and family
early life 41–62
early friendships 42, 50–2
schooldays 41–2, 48–53
and science career 49–50
and mathematics studies 52–3, 54, 55, 64, 65, 84
at University College Oxford 54–62
graduate work at Cambridge 59–60, 63–70, 77–9, 84–5
marriages see Mason, Elaine; Wilde, Jane
family life see Hawking family
60th birthday celebration 349–53
see also specific family members
and Caltech see California Institute of Technology
cosmic censorship 312–14
Cygnus X-1 148, 150–1, 249–50
Higgs particle non-appearence 161–2
Preskill information paradox 362–4
Cambridge appointments
chair in gravitational physics 155
research fellowship 79–80, 83–8
readership 1975 153
Director of Research, Centre for Theoretical Cosmology 308
Gonville and Caius college, research fellowships 80, 83–8, 132–3
Institute of Astronomy, research fellowship 84, 133
Lucasian Professor of Mathematics 15, 157, 266, 275–6, 282, 393, 395
celebrity/publicity 86–7, 239–42, 243–50, 366–7
action figure 317
Al Gore tribute 324–5
and Corpus clock 391–3
as superhero 270–2
blog question on human future 381–2
Guardian interview 2011 442–3
instanton (‘pea’) theory clash with Linde 321–3
KF first biography 269–70, 273–4, 282–3
Larry King interview 324
Late Night with Conan O’Brien show 355
portrayed in Philip Glass’s The Voyage 291–2
Simpsons & Dilbert episodes 317, 369
Star Trek cameo 292–3
voice in Pink Floyd’s The Division Bell 293
communication 88, 140–1
Equalizer program 229–35, 238–9, 324–5
control system 370–1
Galfard and 356–7
post-tracheotomy 227–34
electric wheelchair driving 144, 152–5, 164, 267–8
road accidents 288–9, 349, 352–3
health/disability 131–4, 136–7, 139–43
ALS diagnosed 65–70
at Oxford 61–2
attitude to 76–7
independence 87–8
non-discussion 74, 82–3, 133–4
choking 82–3, 84
head injury 61
nursing assistance 158, 228–9, 232–3, 267
Oakland resuscitation 371
physical abuse rumours 326, 366, 372
pneumonia 2003–4 358
tracheotomy & effects 227–9
Albert Einstein Award 157
Benjamin Franklin Medal in Physics 193
Caius Fellowship for Distinction in Science 88
Cambridge honorary doctorate 248
Companion of Honour 248
Cosmos Award 399
Fonseca Prize 385
Harvard honorary degree 277
honorary degrees 157, 244
James Smithson Bicentennial Medal 366–7
Paul Dirac Medal 237
Pontifical Academy of Sciences 237
Pope Pius XII medal 147
Royal Society
Fellowship 141
Copley Medal 371
Hughes Medal 157
US Presidential Medal of Freedom 399
Wolf Prize 244, 269, 371
and Ban the Bomb marches 62, 193
and disabled people see disabled people
on computer viruses as life 295–6
on God 137–9, 218–21, 244, 277
on extraterrestrial intelligent life 367, 397–8, 435–6
on government research funding cuts 394
on human DNA redesign 316, 343–5
on human population dangers 316, 343–5
on model-dependent realism 421–5, 432–4, 441–2
on millennium speculations 316, 343–5
on National Health Service 399
on Pope and universe origin speculation 174–6, 382–3
on scientific determinism 420–1
on space colonization 381, 395–8
on theories and models 27–30
on US invasion of Iraq 368
socialism 66
travel 287–8, 324–6, 355, 366, 371, 378–9, 384–7, 395–9, 444–5, 446
Antarctica visit 314
balloon flight 227–8, 352
Chile 385
China 371, 382
Easter Island 385
equipment 325–6
Israel 371
Japan 287–8
South Africa 385
Spain 325, 366, 367–8, 371
Virgin Galactic flight 381
Zero-Gravity flight 383–4
work methods 112–13
as mentor 153
mental calculations 125, 131–2
office 331–3, 340, 440–1, 446
research attitude 163–4
working days 265–9, 282–3
works: publications/lectures
A Brief History of Time 25, 26, 118, 138, 159, 174n, 185, 218–21, 425–6, 429–33
concept/production 224–5, 229, 235–7, 238
popularity/sales 238–42, 307
A Brief History of Time: A Reader’s Companion 219, 239–40, 280
Brief History of Time (film) 278–82
Adams Prize essay 85
Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays 293, 319–11
‘Breakdown of Predictability in Gravitational Collapse’ 148
‘Boundary Conditions of the Universe’ 175
CERN lecture ‘The Creation of the Universe’ 399
‘chronology protection conjecture’ 261–2
God Created the Integers 368
‘Imagination and Change: Science in the Next
Millennium’ 316
lectures at Caltech 325, 355, 363–4, 366, 377, 386, 390, 395–8, 415, 419
Lucasian lecture, ‘Is the End in Sight for Theoretical Physics?’ 15–17, 29–30, 33, 38, 159–62, 165, 257, 275–7, 345, 453g
NASA lecture ‘Why We Should Go into Space’ 396–8
On the Shoulders of Giants 353
Paul Dirac Centennial lecture 346
‘Singularities and the Geometry of Space-Time’ 85
‘Sixty Years in a Nutshell’ 349
The Universe in a Nutshell, writing/publication 329–31, 334–5, 340, 378
with George Ellis, The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time 118
with Leonard Mlodinow
A Briefer History of Time 368
The Grand Design 375, 378, 411–34
with Lucy Hawking 345
George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt 379–81, 396
George’s Secret Key to the Universe 370, 379–81, 386
with Penrose, The Nature of Space and Time 310–11, 314, 316
Hawking, Timothy 134, 157, 162, 226, 231, 240, 244–5, 269, 273, 310, 318
Hawking radiation 121–5, 122f6.2, 196–8, 257, 452g
and information loss 166–9
and uncertainty principle 386
COBE findings 290–1
information paradox 357–64
laboratory creation experiment 408–10
theory reception 125–7
Hawkingese 47
health care, universal, SWH on 399
Heisenberg, Werner, uncertainty principle 167, 171, 452g
helium 352g
Herman, Robert, and CMBR 180–1
Hertog, Thomas
and Hartle & SWH, on evidence from observable universe 405–8
and SWH, no-boundary initial conditions, top-down approach 376–8
Higgs boson 389–92
Higgs field 161
Higgs, Peter 161
and SWH 389–91
Highgate, Hawking family at 44
Hilton, Paris, and Virgin Galactic 381
Hodgkin, Sir Alan 141
holographic principle Susskind on 304–6
and brane worlds theory 336–7
Hooft, Gerard ’t, on dimensional reduction 304
horizons see event horizons
Hoyle, Fred 59, 63
on anthropic principle 177
SWH challenge to 78, 86–7
Hubble, Edwin, on expanding universe 89–90, 107–8
human DNA redesign, SWH on 316, 343–5
Humphrey, Simon 48, 53
hydrogen 452g
imaginary numbers 209, 453g
imaginary time 209, 215, 220–1, 453g
baby universes in 251, 258–60
infinities, physical theories and 33
inflation theory 179, 184–9, 190–4
flat universe prediction 315–16, 319–20, 400–1
and accelerating expansion 314–16
and brane worlds theory 336–7, 372
and CMBR 354–5, 372, 400–1
and gravitational waves 404–5
chaotic inflation 221–3, 284–7
eternal inflation models 284–7, 375–7, 405–8
anthropic principle 376
eternal fractal growth 284–7
evidence search 405–8
inflationary-universe model 453g
variation patterns 223
information paradox 328–9, 357–64
and black holes 148, 165–73
and p-branes 327–9
and quantum theory 165–73
and wormholes 262
conservation law 166, 167–9
solution 358–64, 369–70
Susskind and 166–73, 302–6
initial conditions 453g
instanton (‘pea’) theory 320–3, 375–6
Institute of Physics, Paul Dirac Medal 237
Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking 434–40
Ur of Mesopotamia 19
US invasion, SWH on 368
irreducible mass 115–16
isotropy 221–3
Israel 371
Wolf Foundation 244, 269
Israel, Werner 157, 238
James Smithson Bicentennial Medal 366
Japan, SWH visits 287–8
John Paul II, Pope, on universe origin speculation 174–6, 179, 382–3
Jones, Jonathan Hellyer 155–6, 226, 228, 244, 312, 445
Jane Hawking and 155, 272, 310, 312, 317–18
at SWH’s 60th birthday 350
Kane, Gordon, SWH bet on Higgs boson 389
Kennedy, John F., SWH on 73
Kenwood House, Hampstead 47
Kepler, Johannes 353
King, Basil 41–2, 69, 70
King, Diana 69
on SWH 62, 70
King, Larry, SWH interview 321
King’s College London, general relativity course 64
Kuchar, Karel, on role for God 218
LaFlamme, Raymond, and arrows of time 226, 300
Lapades, Alan (graduate assistant) 153
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, scientific determinism 170–3, 420
Large Electron Positron (LEP) experiment 389
Large Hadron Collider, CERN 161–2, 388–91
hopes for 390
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) 403–4, 403f19.1
Late Night with Conan O’Brien show 355
laws, physical universe 425–7
life forms, SWH on 295–6
and motion 93–8
and spacetime warp 95–8, 97f5.2
models and complementarity 304
speed 98–105, 209–12
see also escape velocity
Linde, Andrei, string theory and multiverse inflation 327
clash with SWH in Moscow 190–5
inflation theory 190–5
chaotic inflation 221–3, 284–6
eternal inflation 284–6, 327, 373–5
on instanton (‘pea’) theory 321–2
on string compactification 373, 375
on string theory equations 374
Livio, Mario, and anthropic principle 376
London taxi cabs, Hawking family and 45–6
Lou Gehrig’s disease see amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
LUCE (Logical Uniselector Computing Engine) 52–3
M-theory 345–9, 412–34
and belief in God 425–6, 431–3
and model-dependent realism 423–5
and string curling 375, 414–20
anthropic principle 419
as approximation family 414
MacArthur Foundation, nursing grant 229, 234
Macmillan Publishers, and Jane Hawking autobiography 310
Macworld Expo 1994 295
Majorca 48
Maldacena, Juan Martin
and Susskind’s information paradox solution 357–63
ADS-CFT duality 373
Mandela, Nelson 385
Masey, Sue (personal assistant) 267, 274, 289
Mason, David 233, 234
on Elaine’s marriage to SWH 309
Mason, Elaine 233–4, 242, 244, 271, 289
and Spielberg film 280
marriage to SWH 274–5, 282, 308–10
SWH divorce from 371
mass, and gravity 91–3
Master of the Universe: Stephen Hawking 244, 273
McClenahan, John 41–2, 50, 86
Miami, astrophysics conference 84
microwave radiation 453g
Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics 355
Mlodinow, Leonard and SWH
A Briefer History of Time 368
The Grand Design 375, 378, 411–34
model world games, SWH and 50–1
model-dependent realism 421–5, 432–4, 441–2
and M-theory 424–5
model-independent reality 310–11
models, defined 26–30
Monroe, Marilyn 266, 332, 349, 350, 440
Morris, Errol, directs A Brief History of Time 278–81, 439
Moscow Institute of Applied Mathematics 148
Moss, Ian, and inflation theory 193
and gravity 91–8
and light 93–8
laws of 19–20
Motor Neuron Disease Association 157
Chelsea Flower Show garden 400
Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatory 315
multiverse in M-theory 284, 428–9
and curled-up dimensions 374–5
and eternal inflation 327, 408ff
see also universe
mysticism 178
N=8 supergravity theory 16, 159–60, 453g
not answer 276, 345–6
naked singularities 312–14, 453g
Narlikar, Jayant 59, 78
Big Bang Observer 404
Einstein Inflation Probe 404–5
National Institute for Medical Research 45
National Society of Film Critics 281
natural science, SWH studies 52, 54–60
Nature 126, 218
neutron star 453g
neutrons 20, 36–9, 453g
Neville, John 293
New Cavendish Laboratory see Cavendish Laboratory
New York Times 140, 163, 281, 429–30
Newnham Croft Primary School 133, 162, 224, 325
Newsweek 294
Newton, Sir Isaac 16, 85, 353
Principia Mathematica, tercentenary festschrift 237–8
laws of motion 20, 92–3
theory of gravity 28, 31, 92–3, 123, 453–4g
Newton Institute 311
Newtonian gravity, maths of 35
Next Einstein Initiative (AIMS) 385
Nimoy, Leonard 292
no-boundary proposal 29, 175, 215–21, 319–23, 454g
and arrows of time 297–301
cosmological arrow 300–1
and brane worlds theory 336–7
and information paradox 369–70
and Theory of Everything 276
initial conditions, top-down approach 370, 376–7, 418–20, 425–6, 430, 432
wave function, and universe models 406–8
Nobel Symposium on String Theory and Cosmology 355
Novikov, Igor, search for black holes in binaries 149–50
nuclear weapons stockpiles threat 193
nucleus 454g
see also particles
Nuffield Workshop on the Very Early Universe 194
Obama, Barack, SWH’s Presidential Medal of Freedom 399
optical telescope 454g